The Ultimate Financial Management App

Empowering you to take charge of your financial future with intuitive tools and personalized insights.


How it works

With these steps, BudgetKaly makes it easy to set up, track, and manage your finances each month.

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Key Features of BudgetKaly App

Here are six simplified features of the BudgetKaly app. These features provide a clear and straightforward way to manage finances with BudgetKaly.

Create Monthly Budgets

Set up a budget for each month to organize your finances.

Track Income & Expenses

Easily add income and expense entries with details like name, amount, and date.

View Balance Summary

See a quick overview of total income, expenses, and balance at the bottom of each budget.

Visual Charts

Use pie charts to view income and expense distribution, making it easy to understand spending patterns.

Manage Profile & Settings

Edit profile details, change your password, and adjust settings like currency and subscription.

Edit & Delete Entries

Update or remove income and expense items for accurate budget tracking.